ChrisCross worked as an artist for over 25 years, drawing for major publishers like Marvel, DC, Dark Horse, and Valiant. While he has worked on numerous characters, he is most well known for his 90s and 2000s run on Captain Marvel. He also worked on stories for Superman/Batman, JLA, Supergirl, Firestorm, and T.H.U.N.D.E.R Agents. More recently, he pencilled DC's Convergence storyline JLA Detriot. While working for Valiant, he illustrated Bloodshot and drew covers for Eternal Warrior and X-O ManoWar.
Currently, ChrisCross is working on a creator-owned project with Alex Di Campi called Bankshot for Dark Horse. He is also co-owner, President, and CEO of Eternal Kick LLC.
Currently, ChrisCross is working on a creator-owned project with Alex Di Campi called Bankshot for Dark Horse. He is also co-owner, President, and CEO of Eternal Kick LLC.