Lee Weeks is an industry icon, having decades of experience working for Marvel, DC, and others. Known for his classically styled and detailed art, he has drawn nearly every major character for both DC and Marvel, including Spider-man, Hulk, Captain America, Batman, and Superman, not to mention classic runs on Daredevil and Gambit. In 2014, Lee wrote and pencilled the first story arc of Marvel's Daredevil: Dark Nights, where Daredevil travels through Bethlehem PA, and in 2015, Lee pencilled Convergence: Superman and the follow-up series Superman: Lois and Clark for DC Comics. Recently, Lee has been teaming up with Tom King on Batman for the award-winning Batman Elmer Fudd crossover, Batman Cold Days story arc, and Batman Annual. This past year Lee won Harvey awards for best artist, best humor comic, and best individual issue.