Madeline Zuluaga is an illustrator/storyteller working in NYC. Her work is influenced by unusual occurrences in ordinary settings. She loves to create stories that make unlikely characters and situations believable. This is because her interests and aesthetics can be strange and involve her to obsess over drawing talking turnips and capybaras. At the end of the day, she just wants to create art to make people smile.
In 2015 Madeline contributed a comic titled "Wings" to an Indie Anthology about mythology started by her friend’s artist collective. A year later she was on an all women artist team to work on the graphic novel When the Rules Aren't Right: 7 Tales of Activism by Leslie Tolf. She worked on the cover, splash pages and the final comic chapter for the book. By 2017 Madeline contributed an auto-biographical comic to New Frontiers: The Many Worlds of George Takei and an original comic story to the Ringo Award winning anthology Mine!: A Comics Collection to Benefit Planned Parenthood. That same year she self published an art book titled Capybara Parade.
Bio from her website.