The Kubert School offers students a high quality and challenging education in Cartooning and Graphic Art. Their focus is "bringing forth a new generation of skilled and well-educated Cartoonists, Illustrators, and more." The school continues to join with publishers, artists, and agencies in the field of cartooning and illustration in its quest to determine contemporary needs and qualitative requirements deemed necessary by the profession. The school may be compared to an atelier where an aspirant is selected for an internship program in which both master and intern learn from each other. The most effective measure by which the success of their programs may be evaluated is the high job placement ratio of our graduates, and the recognition afforded our graduates throughout the profession of Cartoon-Graphics©, commercial illustration, and animation.
Their alumni includes:
- GUEST Rags Morales
- GUEST Darren Auck
- Adam Kubert
- Andy Kubert
- Amanda Conner
- Alex Maleev
- Chris Mooneyham
- Cliff Rathburn
- Lee Weeks
- Rick Veitch
And many more!
Learn more at their website
Their alumni includes:
- GUEST Rags Morales
- GUEST Darren Auck
- Adam Kubert
- Andy Kubert
- Amanda Conner
- Alex Maleev
- Chris Mooneyham
- Cliff Rathburn
- Lee Weeks
- Rick Veitch
And many more!
Learn more at their website